created to create

Mixed Media Artwork

Interior Spread

After experimenting with paint mediums Straker began finding interests in creating projects with many layers and introducing new mediums to her craft. Abstract art was the gateway to wood burning, key chains, mosaics, collages, as well as furniture detailing.



A mosaic mural on a flower bed designed by Straker and created by community members at the Schomburg Community Garden located in the Bronx, NY.

Photo Felli.jpg


"Our introspection provides us clarity of the ideas we have of ourselves, our experiences, and sense of direction on how to move through life. However, there are jolting moments through our self surveillance that reflects a distorted image. We all see ourselves falsified at times. In this piece, the artist is encouraging viewers to step back and see themselves throughout all existences. It is her belief that if we appreciate the trees for allowing us breath, respect creatures that spread love without condition or hesitation, value the truths of what serves our purpose, and honor the many understandings of each individual- we strengthen our community bonds."